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Starting Point: The College Decision for Adults

Updated: Jul 19, 2021

Thinking of going to college to get or finish that degree you started.

Don’t rush into it. Getting a degree is a major decision which involves research and careful planning. Start by answering these questions:

Why do I want to go back to school?

Answering this question, allows you to truly consider the purpose of pursuing a degree. Will this degree help you obtain a promotion, a new career or will it help you develop a skill set that you need to improve your quality of life.

What do I want to study & which degree makes sense?

College involves a serious investment of your time, energy and finances. Have you decided on an area of study? It’s recommended that you look into the various schools which offer your areas of interest, degrees and certificates. Ask yourself, which degree you’d like to obtain. Is a college degree even necessary for this particular area and how it aligns with your goals?

Where am I going to study and How will I attend courses?

Where will you obtain this degree, what schools are you interested in attending? Which schools offer my intended major and degree. Consider how you will attend courses? Many schools offer in-person courses, online courses, and/or hybrid courses. COVID has disrupted higher education and now more than ever, colleges are offering an online modality.

When am I going to do this?

Timing is everything. Like many adults, you have responsibilities. Whether you work full-time, have parental duties or other obligations, you have to ask yourself, when will you carve out time to study. Balancing your competing priorities is stressful - adding school to that plate will not be easy. Conducting research to find the right fit is crucial.

Who is going to pay for your degree?

There are limited scholarship opportunities for working adults to attend college. However, that does not mean that there are not avenues for you to subsidize the cost of your degree. In addition to federal financial assistance, there may be benefits through your employer, college discounting opportunities and cheaper alternatives. The point is in the planning and understanding what you are paying for and how you will cover the cost of attendance.

A college degree is not necessary to be successful. Careful planning is required if you’ve decided that you are ready to take that step and you’ve considered the above questions.

Way Finder Educational Consulting can help you start your college journey. Connect for a free 30 minute consultation, call us at 786-496-3091, click on the link below, or email us at

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